Monday, April 14, 2008

Village Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. Tonight - April 14, 2008

Please attend the
Village Meeting tonight
at 7:00 p.m. @ the Village Hall.

We have spoken to the Planning Commission and the Board about placing conditions on the annexation agreement for the northeast corner of Oak and Orchard. It's not to stop development on the corner, but rather to protect the residents and the village from a development that is not community friendly or a good neighbor to the existing residential neighborhood next door.

Tonight the village can make their final decision to rezone and annex the property with or without the conditions.

Please come out and show your support!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Meeting Update

The meeting at the village last night went well. Thank you to everyone who attended! Your support for NAT and for your Village Government is appreciated.

The trustees are asking for clarification as to what can and cannot go on the corner. They will be reviewing the zoning code and the annexation will be an item on the agenda at the Village Board Meeting on Monday, April 14 at 7:00 p.m.

Here is a link to an article in the Daily Herald. If it doesn't work, you can do a search at the Daily Herald site.

Here is a link to the Beacon News article.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sign Our Petition

Please sign our petition urging the village trustees to place conditions on the annexation agreement for the property at the northeast corner of Oak and Orchard. 

The owner of the property has requested a rezone to B-2 to help market the property. LFI does not have any interested parties at this time.

While North Aurora Together supports development at that corner and would like to assist the developer in marketing the property, this needs to be done without giving up the tools that will protect the community from unsustainable development.

The petition can be signed a couple of different ways:

1. Print out the petition below and sign it with your name and address. Then, send an e-mail to  and someone will stop by and pick it up. 

2. Go to  and sign it electronically.

The petitions will be presented at the next Village Board Meeting on Monday, April 7 at 7:00 p.m. at the Village Hall. 

Please come out and show your support. If you would like to personally address the board, please arrive a little early and remember to sign in to speak.

PETITION (Copy, print, sign, e-mail for pick-up)

Dear Village Board,


First of all, thank you for all that you do for our community.  Your hard work is a reflection of your commitment and dedication to our village.

I am concerned about the annexation agreement for the property at the northeast corner of Oak and Orchard.  I understand that the developer is having trouble marketing the property, and while we want to see development at that corner, I do not feel that a "blank check" is the way to proceed in this matter.  We can assist the developer market the property without giving up the tools that will protect the community from unsustainable development.

I therefore urge you to place conditions on the annexation agreement to prevent t any businesses that enters our community that is not sustainable or that is not harmonious with our Village or the affected and surrounding area.

We support at least the following conditions:

(1) Limits to the individual lot sizes.

(2) Limits to the building height to less than two stories.

(3) An underground storm water system to protect surrounding properties.

(4) Limits on the hours of operation including delivery times.

(5) Benefits to the downtown redevelopment.

(6) No granting of economic incentive, special uses, variances, or any other privileges, without first knowing who the tenant will be.

I hope you will take these vital considerations into serious advisement and not sign away the right to protect the Village.  Planning and development issues are among the most important issues that impact our home, property values, and sense of community.  I know the Village Board will consider this need for balance between public and private interests when making their decision.

The important thing is that no blank check be given—that sufficient conditions be placed on any annexation to allow for community participation in what is a major planning decision, through our elected officials—you!

Thank you again for all you do.


Address: ________________________________________________