Thursday, April 12, 2007

What Is Their Position?

With the election just around the corner, the following questionnaire was sent out to the two candidates, Bob Strusz and Tanya Berley, and to the trustees. Dale Berman and Mike Herlihey are up for reelection. There are four people running and only three seats available. One of our members interviewed Tanya before the questionnaire went out, so she has a N/A next to the questions we did not ask her. As the answers come in, I will post them.

The new trustee's elected next Tuesday will not be able to vote on May 7 at the next Village meeting. They have to wait 30 days and there has to be some sort of affirmation of the vote, or the opportunity for a challenge if the count is close.

I hope that this helps you make an informed decision on how you vote on Tuesday, April 17. Get out and vote!

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To All Trustees and Candidates;

North Aurora Together is a group of concerned North Aurora citizens. We aim to keep all North Aurorans informed about issues that will affect them. Therefore, we would like to ask you to answer the below questionnaire before the election on April 17th.

1. Currently, a 24-Hour Wal-Mart Supercenter is planned for the northeast corner of Oak and Orchard Roads. Since the public was not presented with the changes to the plan at the last meeting, can you tell us what changes have been made?

Dale Berman - The major proposed change that I see is the auto service center has been deleted. The garden sales area is to be on the east side.The lighting on the east is to be ballard type lights on top of the retaining wall, lower than the berm and fence. The 1st taller lights are planned for the parking lot about 100 ft. from the lot line. Draining of the berm is improved and erosion control is to be completed as the earth is moved.The retaining wall is to be 45.5 ft. from the lot line. The berm is to be approx. 8 ft. tall and a 8 ft. screening fence on top. Ever-greens (estimated 15 ft. high in 5 years) are also planned on top of the berm.
None of these proposed changes have been discussed with staff or village board.

Tanya Berley - (N/A)

Bob Strusz - I have been given no information on what Wal-Mart has changed. This info has been left out of my packets of information. I to have heard about the removal of the mechanics garage. And a possible change in the color of the building. I was not happy that Wal-Mart did not go ahead at the last meeting and advise us on what changes have been made. I think that should have been disclosed to the public.

Mark Gaffino - I was disappointed that Walmart did not present there newest model. Not sure why?? I did see that they eliminated the mechanics garage, change color of the facade. However, I suppose this could change again,until we see a final on this.

Max Herwing - The package I received last Thursday afternoon for the Monday night meeting had the following changes, that I could tell were different than what I had before: The tire shop was eliminated and the colors of the building were changed. Until Wal-Mart gives their presentation, I won't really know what else changed. The packet of information we received at Monday nights meeting contained the incentive agreement details, which I have not read all the way through yet so I cannot comment on.

2. With the understanding that many North Aurorans consider this an issue of vital importance, and also with consideration for the fact that some changes may be made to the proposal, if the vote were to be held today, how would you vote be on this proposal as is?

Dale Berman - I would vote NO. Against the proposal.

Tanya Berley - I agree that there are too many Wal-marts within such a small radius and that Oak and Randall would not be a good place where it would affect the residents there. If it were to go up, it belongs therein the area where Target is.

Bob Strusz - I have been back and fourth on this for the last 2 weeks. The night the Planning Commission went through this was a very long and trying night. I think that if given more time to go over these plans that some of the commission would have voted in different ways. That's my opinion. Although I was one of 6 member that did pass this on to the trustees with the 16 conditions that we would like changed. Now that I have had weeks to look at things from different perspectives it has given me some different views of things. I am not against Wal-Mart coming to N.Aurora. But I do not support the Wal-mart on that corner. I do not know what incentives they are proposing to give Wal-Mart but that may change my mine on Wal-Mart all together. I would like to see it over by the other big box stores. During the meeting Monday Night some one had said that maybe North Aurora is not a Wal-mart community. That may be the simple facts.

Mark Gaffino - I have not made up my mind yet.....I do like all the input and energy you and the group are doing.

Max Herwig - I am not in a position to give an answer at this time because I have not had a chance to hear the other 5 trustees position on the subject. I usually like to hear what the other trustees have to say in regards
to any issue specially one of this magnitude

3. Currently, the Comprehensive Plan calls for that parcel to be used commercially. Understanding that a residential and commercial harmony is a cornerstone of a sustainable and attractive community, what would your ideal tenant be for that parcel?

Dale Berman - In our comprehensive plan this parcel is B 2. Any business that is a permitted use under our zoning ordinance can locate there. 1st come 1st served. The owner of the land is really in control.

Tanya Berley - I would rather like to see something like a COSTCO ..... where they pay a better wage; or something very unique in this area. And then again can our population of 15,000 + attract that kind of businesssuch as a Red Lobster? We need things where there is not such a high saturation of . Something that the surrounding areas do not have that would attract people.
Bob Strusz - Not the location for Wal-Mart, however I would like to see a strip mall with specialty stores or other retail stores that are not big box, perhaps cafe's like Starbucks Coffee,
Panara Bread or even a Applebee's.

Mark Gaffino - I would like to see a mixed use of retail and restaurants. Possibly more of an up scale type center. I feel we need some higher end stores, With possibly up type restaurants, specialty stores. I believe it all needs to work in harmony with each other and the residential areas also. Very important.

Max Herwig - That corner has been planned for many years to be a big box retailer. We purposely buffered that corner with town homes to the east so that the single-family homes were not affected by the
corner development. Town homes are used in many communities to buffer single family residential from commercial developments. If the Wal-Mart store is not approved for that corner than I’d like to see the developer, LFI, try to bring in a Costco, Borders, or Barns & Nobel, something of that type. If the developer decides to put in a strip mall, I’d like to see some decent restaurants, boutiques, card shops, maybe a specialty shop etc.

4. How do you foresee the impact that the future growth of retail will make on the North Aurora residential community on the far West Side?

Dale Berman - I feel that your planning commission and village board has done a complete job with our comprehensive plan. We have used the best planning consultants and engineers available.They have worked with us for many years and feel as strongly about North Aurora's future as any one else. The village has been planned with a balanced mix of homes, multi family, office-research, industrial and commercial-retail areas.There are lot sizes from 8,000 to 14,000 and homes at all value levels. The majority of our homes are built or planned and will now support the commercial-retail that is coming.

Tanya Berley - (N/A)

Bob Strusz - Further growth is going to happen no matter what, so I believe we should be very careful on how we proceed with development on the West side. Sometimes its best to weigh out all options before giving in to the big developers. In other words we hold the cards, and there fro we should choose what's best for our village not the developers.

Mark Gaffino - (Did not answer.)

Max Herwig - I’m not sure how you define far west side. Is that Tanner Trails? Our current commercial area is along the Randall road/Oak Street, Oak/Orchard road and Orchard/Randall corridor. The property that is currently not annexed into North Aurora on the southwest corner of Deerpath and Tanner is single family residential on our comp plan. Depending upon the type of commercial that comes in, it should have a very positive impact to the residential community. I would like to think that the commercial growth that we have had so far has had a positive impact on the residents on the west, far west side as well as the east side. There are a large number of out-lots at the sh
opping center and Woodman’s that have not been developed yet that hopefully will bring retail to North Aurora as well.

5. What do you believe is the number one issue facing North Aurora?

Dale Berman - To continue our planned growth and maintain our streets, water and services without increases in property taxes.

Tanya Berley - (N/A)

Bob Strusz - Commercial , retail growth,infrastructure improvements and the Route 31 corridor. Route 31 is our ticket to improving the appeal of our Village, it is the gate way to our town. I will consider it one of my top priorities to work with the other trustees and staff to be
something done on Route 31.

Mark Gaffino - Growth/retail-commercial and residential. We need controlled growth , with a lot of thought put into it, more community input. Maybe a committee can come out of this issue now.

Max Herwig - Growth with a capital G. We are growing and with growth come all kinds of issues, such as infrastructure
, which includes water, roads, sidewalks and new police station. Providing the growing community with what they need in parks, community center, etc.


Dale Berman - Thank you for the opportunity to answer your questions as I understand them. My efforts are to do the best I can for North Aurora. I understand the concerns you have and feel that you have done a good job of getting your points across, logically and most importantly unemotionally.

Mark Gaffino - I do appreciate the input and thoughts. I lived in North Aurora my entire life. I would not live anywhere else, With that said ,you can guarantee that I will look out for all the citizens best interest and the town itself. It is very special place for me and my family.

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