Tuesday, May 8, 2007


With a vote of 5-1 (against), the trustees have made it clear that Wal-Mart will not be built on the northeast corner of Oak St. and Orchard Rd. in North Aurora! Several trustees stated that it is not the right location for Wal-Mart. The vote took place close to midnight on May 7, 2007.

Thank you to the trustees for listening to the residents concerns and pleas. Now we need to work on bringing the type of development North Aurora residents would like to see on that corner.

Thank you to everyone for supporting North Aurora Together! It really does take the whole community coming together to make a difference.

The votes were as follows:

Berman - NO
Herlihy - NO
Gaffino - NO
Herwig - NO
Shoemaker - NO
Mitchell - YES

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