Sunday, May 6, 2007

Village Meeting Monday, May 7 @ 7:00PM

On Monday, May 7, North Aurora could change forever! Monday is the continuation of the public hearing on the proposed 24-Hour Super Wal-Mart. Last Friday afternoon, the village posted a special village board meeting on the agenda after the committee of the whole meeting so that the trustees can take a vote on the proposal.

Please come out and show your support!


Anonymous said...

You have no idea what you are talking about. Wal-mart will bring in tens of thousands of dollors a year to North Aurora and inturn allow the city to not raise taxes on its residence. You people make so many nonsense arguements that i will keep it short. The land is zoned commercial, if Wal-mart does not go in there, another big box retail store will...period!

Anonymous said...

You people complain that you live right next to the planned development site and that your townhome would back up to Wal-Mart...what did you think would go in there when you bought the place! It is prime property just a mile off I-88. You were nieve if you thought it would remain farm land forever or that the city would waste high-income land just to make you happy and put in residential. You bought the place, you should have looked ahead on what would be there!

Anonymous said...

One argument was that Woodmans does not want Wal-Mart...if that is true why are you people making those statments and not having Woodmans speak for themselves. I have heard a few comments from Woodmans and they would be happy to have Wal-Mart. They are two differnt stores and offerings. It would draw more people to the area to shop and inturn give more business to both.

Anonymous said...

We have a Super Wal-Mart in Batavia on Randall. A Wal-Mart in Aurora on Galena. Soon a Wal-mart on Kirk. Why do we need another.

I would much prefer a Costco to compete responsibly with the Sam's Company.

Anonymous said...

Ironic, you have anti-urban sprawl links on your page, but your development is the epitome of urban sprawl.

You can't have both ways, you can't take over the farmland for your homes then complain when retail stores do the same.

Anonymous said...

There is no need to argue about anything any longer. The curious question I have had all along is why those in favor of Wal-Mart haven't publically supported the effort, speaking to Wal-Mart's "good" reputation and why Wal-Mart would be a good neighbor. Go ahead, tell me why you would like to live next to a Wal-Mart - there is a difference between wanting the $$ from Wal-Mart and living next to it. BYW Would you want your teens to work there?